
Here is a list of useful links about Zeolite and Bentonite for your own research.

http//:www.thegreenlivingshow.co.nz (The Green Living Network)

http:/www.tinapritchard.co.nz (Tina Pritchard, Naturopath, Auckland)

http://www.iza-online.org/ (website of the International Zeolite Association)

http://www.naturalnews.com/reports/Zeolite.zip (provides a range of scientific studies on the potential and uses of Zeolite)

http://www.naturalnews.com/015232.html (discusses the benefits and potential of Zeolite)

http://www.zeolitefacts.org/index.html (lots of information and discusses liquid vs. powdered Zeolite – by Dr. Howard Peiper)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa1y8t_zeolite-and-your-health-by-dr-stuar_tech (a 9 minute video about the benefits and uses of Zeolite by Dr. Stuart Hoover)

There is much more information on the internet, but it is advisable to be cautious about exaggerated claims and those telling you that only their product is the right one.

Please be assured, we wouldn’t be selling our NZeolite if we didn’t believe it was one of the best Zeolites available today. However, we are not in the business of promising you wonders and miracles only to sell you something! We encourage you to do your own reasearch and if you are interested simply give it a try.

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